An electronic symbol is a pictogram used to represent various electrical and electronic devices (such as wires, batteries, resistors, and transistors) in a schematic diagram of an electrical or electronic circuit. These symbols can (because of remaining traditions) vary from country to country, but are today to a large extent internationally standardized. Some symbols represent components (such as vacuum tubes) which ceased to be used routinely as newer technologies were introduced.
- 1Standards for symbols
- 2Gallery of common electronic symbols
- 2.1Traces
- 2.2Circuit Return
- 2.3Sources
- 2.4Resistors
- 2.5Capacitors
- 2.6Inductors
- 2.7Transistors
- 2.7.1Unipolar
- 2.7.2Bipolar
- 2.8Diodes
- 2.9Antennas
- 2.10Vacuum tubes
- 2.11Switches
- 2.12Relays
- 2.13Lamps
- 2.14Current Limiters
- 2.15Transformers
- 2.16Acoustic Devices
- 2.17Miscellaneous
- 3Gallery of historical electronic symbols
- 3.1Capacitors (historical)
- 4References
There are several national and international standards for graphical symbols in circuit diagrams, in particular:
- IEC 60617 (also known as British Standard BS 3939).
- ANSI Y32.2-1975 (also known as IEEE Std 315-1975 or CSA Z99-1975)
- IEEE Std 91/91a: graphic symbols for logic functions (used in digital electronics). It is referenced in ANSI Y32.2/IEEE Std 315.
- Australian Standard AS 1102.
Different symbols may be used depending on the discipline using the drawing. For example, lighting and power symbols used as part of architectural drawings may be different from symbols for devices used in electronics. National and local variations to international standards also exist.
Symbols shown are typical examples, not a complete list.
2.1 Traces
IEC-style trace junction Trace crossing
2.2 Circuit Return
IEC-style ground (GND) symbol
Signal/Low noise ground (GND) symbol
IEC-style chassis-ground symbol
Single cell, multi-cell battery
Battery, multi-cell
Voltage source
Controlled voltage source
Current source
Controlled current source
AC voltage source
(a) resistor, (b) rheostat (variable resistor), and (c) potentiometer (All of them are American style symbols)
(a) resistor, (b) rheostat (variable resistor), and (c)potentiometer (All of them are IEC style symbols)
IEC-style capacitor, general symbol
Capacitor, polarized (American)
Capacitor, variable
IEC-style ganged (co-moving) variable capacitors
Trimmer capacitor
IEC-style air-cored Inductor
Inductor with magnetic core (IEEE Std 315)
IEC-style tapped Inductor
N-channel junction gate field-effect transistor (JFET)
P-channel junction gate field-effect transistor (JFET)
Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor
Enhancement mode, N-channel MOSFET
Enhancement mode, P-channel MOSFET
NPN bipolar junction transistor (BJT)
PNP bipolar junction transistor (BJT)
NPN darlington
PNP darlington
Zener diode
Tunnel diode
Schottky diode
Light Emitting Diode (LED)
Shockley diode
Silicon-controlled rectifier(SCR)
Constant-current diode
IEC-style antenna
IEC-style dipole antenna
IEC-style loop antenna
Loop antenna (IEEE Std 315)
Vacuum tubes[edit]
Vacuum tube diode
Vacuum tube triode
Vacuum tube tetrode
Vacuum tube pentode
Switch, Single Pole/Single Throw (SPST)
Switch, Single Pole/Double Throw (SPDT)
Switch, Double Pole/Double Throw (DPDT)
Momentary switch, make (IEEE Std 315)
Momentary switch, break (IEEE Std 315)
Momentary switch, two circuit (IEEE Std 315)
American-style relays, SPST, SPDT, DPST, DPDT
IEC relay symbol, SPDT
Indicating lamp (IEEE Std 315-1975)
Incandescent lamp
Incandescent light bulb(as an indicator)
Neon lamp
Light bulb
Current Limiters[edit]
IEC Fuse (a), equivalent symbols (b,c) (IEEE Std 315-1975)
Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB)
Fuse: IEC (top) and American (lower two)
Transformer with center tap
Transformer with two secondary windings
Current Transformer
Zero-Sequence Current Transformer (ZSCT) (a.k.a. window-type current transformer)
Bushing-Type Current Transformer
Voltage Transformer
Acoustic Devices[edit]
IEC-style microphone
Microphone (IEEE Std 315)
Loudspeaker (IEEE Std 315)
Phone jacks
Operational amplifier
Ferrite bead ring (IEEE Std 315)
Gallery of historical electronic symbols[edit]
The shape of electronic symbols have changed over time. Some symbols were more prevalent in some countries. The following are historic electronic symbols that might be found in old electronic books and schematics.
Capacitors (historical)[edit]
- Circuit Symbols for all Electronic Components. Talking Electronics, 2013. Retrieved 01 Apr 2015.
- Electrical Symbols & Electronic Symbols. RapidTables, 2012. Retrieved 17 April 2016.